Hundreds of members.
Thousands of readers.
Make sure they find you. 

Tap the power of the
Baltimore REIA Partner Program.

Team up with the largest real estate investor club in the Maryland,
DC, and Virginia area. You’ll gain exposure to our hundreds of members,
as well as our email list of over 5,000.

Choose from 3 powerful levels of partnership: Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
Each gives you a full year of membership and several ways to promote your business.

How much PARTNER POWER do you want? SILVER Partnership GOLD Partnership PLATINUM Partnership
Inclusion in "Meet the Partner" email sent to our list of 5,000+ With all other Silver Partners, 3 times year, @ $100,
Value $300

With one other Gold Partner, 4 times a year, @ $150, 
Value $600

Your info exclusively, 6 times a year, @ $200,
Value $1,200
Baltimore REIA individual Memberships 1 @ $197,
Value $197
2 @ $197,
Value $394
3 @ $197,
Value $581
Your ad on our Preferred Partners webpage  Small ad @ $25 per month,
Value $300
Medium ad  @ $50
per month,
Value $600
Large ad @ $100
per month,
Value $1,200
Mention in our promotional emails, 20 or more times per month, sent to our list of 5,000+  Small type @ $25
per month,
Value $300
Medium type @ $50
per month,
Value $600
Logo @ $100
per month,
Value $1,200

Your ad in printed handout at any in-person event

Small ad @ $25
per month,
Value $300
Medium ad @ $50
per month,
Value $600
Large ad @ $100
per month,
Value $1,200

Featured in "Meet the Partner" section on our home page, above the events, for a full month

    Value $1,000
5-minute pitch at a monthly event     1 @ $300,
Value $300
FREE BONUS: Partner name badge 1 badge Up to 2 badges Up to 3 badges

You pay only $599
Total value:

You pay only $999
Total value:

You pay only $1,499

Sign up for the program that's best for you.
Each price is for a full year:

Silver at $599 | Gold at $999 | Platinum at $1,499

Lenders may join at the Platinum level only. Your revenue from one loan could pay for your partnership many times over!

Want a custom-designed Partner Program?  Ask us!

For more info contact Baltimore REIA Executive Director David Page at 410-274-3295 or  (Baltimore Real Estate Investors Association) does not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice. Baltimore REIA disclaims all liability for the action or inaction taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its members, officers, directors, employees and contractors. Each person should consult their own counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, economic, investment, and related matters concerning Real Estate and other investments.   

Your email will never be shared or sold to other members, vendors or any other third party without your consent.

Contact Us:

Baltimore Real Estate Investors Association
7913 Springway Road
Baltimore, MD 21204
(410) 274-3295

Proud Member of National REIC

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