Start your success here and now with our cutting-edge classes and programs.
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“Smart Tax Strategies” helps you save on taxes now and for years to come.

Full-day recorded class with CPA Jeff Cohen. You work hard for your money—keep more of it! Jeff specializes in helping real estate investors, who comprise the majority of his clients. In addition to the usual tips, his class addresses Covid-related issues such as PPP money, stimulus checks, and more.
Perfect for: new investors deciding which business entity is best for their investing strategy.
Also great for: veteran investors who want an accountant who specializes in real estate and knows how to find tax savings.
Click here to learn more and buy now!
“Fund Your Deals Now” shows you the money for your first deal, your next deal, and all the deals you can handle.

Half-day recorded class with Gary Kenner. The veteran investor and lender shows you multiple ways to fund deals. Not only does Gary show you how to find the money, he addresses negotiating the terms – which could save you thousands of dollars on every deal!
Your online training includes video recorded during the live class, the presentation slides, and all the support documents.
Perfect for: new investors with no idea how to find funding.
Also great for: veteran investors who want to find new funding sources and new ways to save on funding costs.
Click here to learn more and buy now!
“Rehabbing for Big Rewards” class helps you earn big profits while avoiding costly pitfalls.

A full-day recorded class with Katheryn McGill, an expert local rehabber who typically sets the new high comp in neighborhoods where she rehabs. The extensive content includes why, where, what, and how to rehab… estimating costs… working with contractors… and much more. Includes important documents.
Perfect for: newbies who want the rewards of rehabbing, and experienced rehabbers who want tips on how to rehab better for bigger profits.
Also great for: wholesalers who need to know what rehabbers look for, and buy-and-hold investors who want to fix up their properties for higher rents.
Click here to learn more and buy now!
“The Real Estate Rental Cash Machine” helps you build income now and for years to come.

Full-day recorded class with expert landlord Janet Tonkins. Learn how to find and evaluate rental properties… fund the growth of your business… boost the income from your properties… and minimize tenant hassles. With a wealth of case studies to bring the lessons alive.
Perfect for: new landlords and those who want to become landlords for passive income.
Also great for: experienced landlords who want to improve their ROI.
Click here to learn more and buy now!
“Wholesaling for Fast Cash” helps you make $5k, $10k, or more—fast!

Full-day class with local wholesaling expert Joe Hartman. Wholesaling simply means getting a property under contract, then selling that contract to another investor. You don’t bring any money to closing, you just walk away with a check. For $5,000… $10,000… even more. And it happens fast!
Learn the secrets of this strategy from Joe Hartman of Perry Hall Investment Group. He'll share the knowledge and documents you need to succeed.
Perfect for: new investors who want a low-risk, quick-pay strategy.
Also great for: experienced investors who sometimes want fast cash.
Click here to learn more and buy now!
More than a class, “Passive Cash Flow for Life” is a complete program to help you make the leap to multifamily investing. Apartments could be the key to quitting your day job!

This comprehensive program is from multifamily experts Nicheole Amundson and James Rey. When investing in real estate for cashflow, it pays to think BIG. Open the multifamily vault and you could make $10k to $100k a year per apartment building!
The program covers mobile home parks and self-storage facilities, too -- also terrific sources of passive cash flow.
Perfect for: single-family rental landlords who want to take their game to the next level.
Also great for: new investors who want to get started with multifamily investing right away.
Click here to learn more and buy now!