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Virtual Tour of a Terrific Rehab! Savvy Women Investors Meeting (online)

with... Katheryn McGill

Local rehabber Katheryn McGill shows you one of her clients' rehabs, which Kat helped design. SWIM is moderated by Kat and by Janet Tonkins.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM


Katheryn McGill is one of Baltimore's best rehabbers.  Now see how how she helps others do the same, with an online tour of a fabulous new rehab.

Savvy Women Investors Meeting (SWIM) online


Special presentation by Katheryn McGill, your SWIM moderator and one of the area's top rehabbers.

SWIM is also moderated by Janet Tonkins, "The Cashflow Diva," with over 100 properties in the Baltimore area and multiple states.

Rehabber Katheryn McGill regularly sets the new high price in neighborhoods where she does rehabs.  She also helps other rehabbers give their projects maximum appeal for buyers.

Attend our next Savvy Women Investors Meeting online and see a beautiful rehab by one of Kat's clients.  If you want to be successful at rehabbing, see how others succeed!

PLEASE NOTE: Registration for SWIM is a two-step process.  You will pre-register here, then get a link to register for the webinar itself.

Not a member of Baltimore REIA yet?  Join now to save $29 on this event, then keep saving on webinars, workshops with national speakers, and classes.  You get your money back fast!  You also enjoy member benefits including a free website and the power to post your properties for sale, with automatic email blasts to our 5,000+ email list.

Two more ways to take advantage of Kat's expertise, with limited-time savings.

1) Take Baltimore REIA's "Rehabbing for Big Rewards" class, now available online.  Buy now and save $50 with Coupon Code KAT$50.  

2) Take a Design Tour With Kat on Saturday, January 11.  Available on its own for $97, the tour is a FREE BONUS when you buy Kat's rehabbing class now.  (If you've already taken the class, email David Page, the REIA's Executive Director, at David@BaltimoreREIA.com, to get on the list for the tour.)



FREE for Members

Date:  Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Time:  7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

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Your email will never be shared or sold to other members, vendors or any other third party without your consent.

Contact Us:

Baltimore Real Estate Investors Association
7913 Springway Road
Baltimore, MD 21204
(410) 274-3295

Proud Member of National REIC

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