Virtual Online Meeting!
Yes, you can invest in real estate with a self-directed IRA! Learn how at our next:
IRA Strategies Meeting

John "Jack" F. Kiley, CPA, CISP, of MidAtlantic IRA
You invest in real estate to make money, right? Add tax advantages!
At our next IRA Strategies Meeting online, Jack Kiley of MidAtlantic IRA will show you how to revolutionize your investment approach. A self-directed IRA could unlock lucrative opportunties for you in real estate and note investments.
More good news: you still could set up a self-directed IRA now and save on last year's taxes. Sign up now!
Please note: registration for this meeting is a two-step process. You will pre-register here, then get a link to register for the webinar itself.
While this event is free for all, many of our events, classes, and workshops offer savings for Baltimore REIA members. Your member benefits also include a free website and the power to post your properties for sale, with automatic email blasts to our 5,000+ email list. Join now.